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Well i don't know, what comes after days?

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Q: Is the movie 28 weeks later first or is it 28 days later?
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The movie 28 Days Later was primarily set in what country?

Both 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later are set in England, which is part of the country known as the U.K. (the United Kingdom).

How did the infected in the movie 28 Weeks Later survive through 28 weeks without food?

They didn't. All of the infected in 28 Weeks Later were infected in the second outbreak at the repopulation center.At the beginning of 28 Weeks Later, a timeline is given to explain what happened in the interim between 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. The 3rd point on the timeline reads, "5 Weeks Later: The infected have died of starvation." That's why they feel it's safe to start repopulating England.The complete timeline is as follows:15 Days Later: Mainland Britain is quarantined.28 Days Later: Mainland Britain has been destroyed by the rage virus.5 Weeks Later: The infected have died of starvation.11 Weeks Later: An American-led NATO force enters London.18 Weeks Later: Mainland Britain is declared free of infection.24 Weeks Later: Reconstruction begins.

What is the most violent movie ever?

"matrix, plane and simple" -Old answer Don't know what it is, but it is not matrix, probably 28 Weeks Later. 28 Days Later was better though.

If an ultrasound says you are 25 weeks 4 days pregnant when in fact conceived 25 weeks 2 days what date should be relied on?

If you know when you conceived you should always go by your date. Ultrasounds, especially later in pregnancy, are not as accurate. Here are the dates that they can be off. The inaccuracy of ultrasound First trimester: 7 days 14 - 20 weeks: 10 days 21 - 30 weeks: 14 days 31 - 42 weeks: 21 days

Would 27 days be 4 weeks the correct answer to my math problem answer?

There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.There are 28 days in 4 weeks, so if you are being asked how many days are in 4 weeks, then the answer is wrong. 27 days could be the answer to how many days are there between the first day of 4 weeks and the last day of 4 weeks.

How many weeks are there between march first and August first?

21 weeks and 6 days

Is 28 days zombie?

28 Days Later is a zombie movie. 28 Days is about drug rehab.

What date is it in 2 weeks and 3 days?

17 days later, which on today, June 11, would be June 28.

Pregnancy days after miscarriage?

When I miscarried I was told to act as that was the first day of my period so in effect I could conceive 2 weeks later as within a normal cycle

Your HCG was 565 then three days later is was 3000 what does this mean?

It just means that your pregnancy is going great. They say that your levels should triple the first weeks of pregnancy.

How many hours minutes days and weeks where the first fleet in Australia for?

7 weeks

Will you most likely miss carry if your first HCG was 192 three days later it went to 702 then two days later went to 959 you are 5 weeks today not spooting or cramping though?

Usually as long as the numbers are going up, it's a good sign! I think that's within the range of normal for 5 weeks. Good luck!