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YES AND IT ROCKS! I totally reccommend all the series!! Read it, and it might make more sense in the movie. The characters are: Meggie Folchart, Mortimer "Mo" Folchart, Dustfinger, Elinor Loredan, Farid, Fenoglio, Capricorn, Mortala, Basta, and Darius.

MEGGIE: Mo's daughter, Elinor's great-niece. She, like her father, has the ability to read things out of books so they become real blood and flesh.

MO: Meggie's father, Elinor's son-in-law. He has the same ability as Meggie. Capricorn goes after him so he can read out gold from stories.

DUSTFINGER: from the book, Inkheart. He had been despratly trying to get back to his real home, and back to his wife, Roxanne (who only shows up in the book, I believe). He's a fire-dancer, which means he can control fire to bend at his whim.

ELINOR LOREDAN: the classic book worm. She was never fond of Dustfinger. Meggie, Mo, and he (Dustfinger) go to her house to "fix Elinor's many books," when Mo is trying to hide Inkheart from Capricorn and Basta. She basically gets herself in an unneeded mess whens he doesn't give them (Capricorn and Basta) the right book.

FARID: came out of one of the books Mo read to Capricorn. (shh, he's my favorite character) he falls in love with Meggie around the end of the first book, though I'm not sure if he does in the movie. He is Dustfinger's "pupil," you could say, considering he wants to become a fire-dancer as well.

FENOGLIO: the author of Inkheart. He wrote something while in Capricorn's dungeon so Meggie could read, to kill Capricorn.

CAPRICORN: evil villain from the book. he doesn't want to go back to the Inkworld, so he has Mo read him treasures untold from, "Treasure Island," and the book in which Farid comes from. Dies when Shadow (A creature Mo read out of a story that is a murderer that will kill you w/o warning) kills him because of what Fenoglio wrote and what Meggie read aloud.

MORTALA: Capricorn's mother, though I'm not sure if she is in the movie or not. She has a powerful role in the books. she was treated like a maid, but she loved Capricorn.

BASTA: our knife-insane friend who loves having a metal knife in his hand. He is Capricorn's must "trusted" uhm, solider or something like that... anyway, he hates Mo and Dustfinger. though, he doesn't die until the second BOOK.

DARIUS: Capricorn's first reader. though he stuttered numerously and was thrown in the dungeon. Ended up going home w/ Elinor to help with her HUGE library.

Well, there you go. : D I seriously hope you read the books, Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath. Bye!

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13y ago

Inkheart the movie is a movie adaption of the book of the same title, written by Cornelia Funke. It is the first in a trilogy, Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath.

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