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Look yellow to whom? Back when I was young and stupid, I tried looking directly at the sun at noon a couple of times. I'm lucky I didn't go blind. However, it looked white to me (actually, it looked painfully white, with a sort of blue blob chasing around in it like the afterimage you see when a camera flash goes off).

The sun looks yellow (or even orange or red) when it rises or sets because its light is traveling through a lot more of the atmosphere then, and that's scattering out the shorter wavelengths (the sky appears blue during the day because the blue rays get scattered out preferentially; this is more or less the same phenomenon).

Our eyes are designed to see in the Sun's light, so it ought to be the very definition of "white". And it pretty much is, at noon, less so at dawn or dusk.

(So why is the Sun a "yellow dwarf"? That's a separate issue, and has to do less with its visual appearance and more with where the peak in its light output curve is.)

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11y ago
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13y ago

t doesn't; it radiates brilliantly throughout the spectrum. If you are able to look at the Sun and not be permanently blinded, it's because you are looking at the Sun through one or more filters, and those filters are absorbing all except the yellow-ish light. With different filters, the Sun would seem to be some other color.

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14y ago

The Sun's light appears yellow because that is the wavelength of light which is most strongly emitted by the sun. However, it gives out light of every colour of the rainbow (plus other light that can't be seen by the human eye).

When the sun shines on the moon, the moon's surface absorbs every colour of light, but it absorbs some colours more than others - those colours that aren't absorbed very strongly are reflected, and these are the colours that we see. However, it is generally recognised that the moon we see high in the sky is effectively white, not blue (although colour perception is a very personal thing, so there is no absolutely 'correct' colour).

Photography can be used to enhance and exaggerate, and, with this method, the greyish maria are seen as shades of blue or brown, corresponding to the presence of iron and titanium, whereas the highland areas exhibit more yellow, pink and pale blue colours.

When the moon is low in the sky, the effects of the atmosphere are seen on its colour - making it appear red, orange or yellow - this results from the same effect that makes the sun appear red at sunrise and sunset.

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8y ago

The sun is bright yellow because of the chemical reaction of gases that occur every second of every day. the fire and flames that are produced by the sun are almost 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

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14y ago

Because of it's temperature.

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13y ago

One is the distance from earth effects the color we see

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12y ago

Stars shine in different colors, depending on their temperature. But at low levels of light, we can't distinguish colors, so all the stars look white.

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16y ago

Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star

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... of it's temperature.

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10y ago

The yellow star is hotter.

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the sun is a giant, enormous star. it is yellow because it is a star that is really hott and really big and is made up of gas. and that's why the sun is yellow, orange, and red. although, it's mostly yellow and orange. rarely red.

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Yellow and Orange.

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Its not red it's yellow and orange.

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red orange and yellow

why is the sun red orange or yellow?

because the sun is hot and these are warm colors

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The sun has only two color's and they are orange and yellow.

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I personally think that it is a firery yellow orange, in pictures of things like Google it looks really orange. Did you know that the sun had spots?!

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