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the Tooth Fairy is called La Petite Souris or "The Little Mouse" in France.

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Q: Is the tooth fairy a mouse in France?
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Is there a tooth fairy called tooth mouse?

yes the mexican tooth fairy is called tooth mouse

What animal is the tooth fairy in some countries?

A mouse

What animal is associated with being tooth fairy in South America?

A mouse plays the role of the tooth fairy in Latin America.

Is there a tooth fairy in Spain?

In Spain, Raton Perez, or the Perez Mouse, is the equivalent to the tooth fairy. As in America, children leave their tooth under the pillow in the hopes that the Perez Mouse will take it and leave a gift for them while they sleep.

Is the mouse that gives you money under your pillow when your teeth fall out real?

It's not a mouse that puts the money under your pillow when you lose a tooth, it's the tooth fairy that does it.

What is a El Paton Perez?

It is a little mouse that comes and takes your tooth in the middle of the night in Argentina kind of like a tooth fairy

Where did the legend of the Tooth Fairy originate?

In early Europe, it was a tradition to bury baby teeth that fell out.[1] Some believe that the Tooth Fairy evolved from the tooth mouse depicted in an 18th century French language fairy tale. In "La Bonne Petite Souris," a mouse changes into a fairy to help a good queen defeat an evil king by hiding under his pillow to torture him and knocking out all his teeth.

How does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth?

The tooth fairy is your parents

Does the tooth fairy have any pets?

the tooth fairy does have pets dog teeth are the tooth fairy's pets

Are there African tooth fairies?

no there is no African tooth fairy there is no tooth fairy at all

How old is he tooth fairy?

I think the tooth fairy is 27

Does the tooth fairy have helpers?

sorry, but there is no such thing as a tooth fairy