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Yes. The Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands in India form an ecoregion that stretches across the middle of the Terai belt, from the state of Uttarakhand through southern Nepal to the northern part of West Bengal. These savanna and wetlands are actually a mosaic of tall grasslands, savannas and evergreen and deciduous forests. The grasslands are counted amongst the tallest in the world, and are well maintained by silt deposited by the yearly monsoon floods. Some of the notable grasses found in these wetlands include the Kans Grass and Baruwa Grass. The ecoregion is also home to several endangered species like the Indian Rhinoceros, Elephants, Tigers, Bears, Leopards and also some other wild animals.

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13y ago

There are plenty of jungles in Asia. Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India, and other countries have plenty of jungles. Jungle fighting was horrible during the Vietnam War (1945 to 1975).
Yes,there are lots of jungles in Asia.

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14y ago

India has many things including jungles. Althought they are not famous for them they do have jungles. They do not have rain forests though.

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Modern African Lions live in savanna grasslands with scattered Acacia trees that provide shade. In India they live in dry savanna forest and very dry deciduous scrub forest.

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Savanna meaning savanna gearga

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= = they live in the savanna

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The vast majority of lions live in the savanna. However, a small population does live in the Gir Forest of India.

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what are producers of the savanna? are they th plants that are in the savanna?

Do lions live in forests?

The vast majority of lions live in the savanna. However, a small population does live in the Gir Forest of India.

Is India a biome?

The country, India, is not a biome. A biome is the characterization of a region based on the life that exists there. The country however does contain biomes such as temperate grassland, tropical savanna, and tropical rain forest.