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Q: Is there a relationship between the temperature and uv rays?
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Relationship between skin cancer and UV rays?

Skin cancer is caused by UV rays. It is because of ozone depletion.

Which rays of the sun can in high quantities damage the skin?

UV RAYS!!! The sun is the major natural source of UV Rays. UV Rays are invisable. They are still a form of light rays. UV stands for Ultra Violiet Rays. These (UV) rays cause sunburn and damage the eyes. Overexposure of UV Rays can cause serious skin cancer. UV Rays, however, can have useful effects, too. They can destroy harmful organisms. UV RAYS!!! The sun is the major natural source of UV Rays. UV Rays are invisable. They are still a form of light rays. UV stands for Ultra Violiet Rays. These (UV) rays cause sunburn and damage the eyes. Overexposure of UV Rays can cause serious skin cancer. UV Rays, however, can have useful effects, too. They can destroy harmful organisms.Utraviolet rays

What is UV energy?

UV energy is in UV rays. These are high energy rays.

Visible light fits between x-rays and uv?

No, the visible light region is between Infra-red and UV.

Are UV light and UV rays the same thing?

Yes, UV light and UV rays are the same thing, light emit "rays."

When the sun reflects UV rays?

The sun does not reflect the UV rays that are fatal. It creates the UV rays not reflect them.

What are the three types of UV rays and their effects?

The UV rays are of three types. they are UV-A, UV-B, UV-C.

What are the differences between uv rays electromagnetic rays and infrared rays?

UV rays have shorter wavelength (higher frequency) than infrared rays.Both of them are examples of a whole bunch of different kinds of rays called electromagnetic 'radiation'.

What type of rain are filtered by the ozone layer?

The rays filtered by the ozone are UV rays. The UV rays are extremely dangerous radiations. These radiations can cause skin cancer to living organisms.Ultraviolet(UV) rays

What affects uv rays?

Ozone affects UV rays. These are harmful rays of the sun.

What does uv rays mean?

UV rays are harmful rays of the sun. They are absorbed by the ozone layer.

Why do cientists fear uv rays?

Scientists fear UV rays. It is because they are fatal rays of the sun.