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Marx believed that history was the story of the struggle between the different classes in society. The opening line of chapter I of "The Communist Manifesto" is "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

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Q: Karl Marx believed that history was the story of?
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Marx believed that all of recorded history was a history of class struggles. As he put it in "The Communist Manifesto": "Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed. . . "

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Karl Marx believed that all history was the history of class struggles and that the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie.

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Karl Marx believed that the economic system, specifically the mode of production, was the foundation of society. He argued that the relationship between the means of production and the social structures shaped the development of human history and class struggle.

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According to Marx, all of history is a record of class struggle.

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Karl Marx believed that all history was the history of class struggles and that the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie.

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