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can a 16 year old live on their own and can parents intervene?

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Q: Leagle rights of 16 year old in Canada Alberta?
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Related questions

What rights does a 12 year old have in Alberta?

They have none.

What year did Alberta Canada became a province?

september 1,1905

Which time zone is Alberta in?

Alberta runs on Present Time all year round.

Where were the year 1988 winter Olympics held?

Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

What is the oldest you can be and still go to high school in Alberta Canada?

One year

In what year did the seat belt law come into effect in Alberta Canada?


Where was the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology established?

The Southern Alberta Instiute of Technology , or as it is called today SATI polytechnic, was established in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in the year 1916.

What year did the US sell Alberta to Canada?

Alberta was never, ever a part of the United States. This province has always been a part of Canada, even before it became a province in 1905.

What province in Canada produces the most natural gaz?

Alberta, much of it is used in Alberta. They produce over 70% of Canada's natural gas, about 4 trillion cubic feet per year. .

Can a 15 year old be served alcohol in a restaurant in British Columbia?

yes a 15 year old can be served alchol in british Columbia been there done that its just not leagle but if u ask they don't care if its leagle or not

How many people die of avalanches in Canada each year?

Each year, about 13 people die of alvalanches, in B.C and Alberta.

What is significant abot Alberta and how does it connect to Canada?

Alberta is a province of Canada. It is a source of wealth in the oil and gas industry and the agricultural industry. It is also a source of tourism as well with the various national parks that exist in this province and events that are held every year.