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Q: Many Northern Hemisphere birds respond to seasonal environmental changes by?
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What are temperate?

Temperate forests are located in the northern hemisphere and usually have a lot of dramatic seasonal changes.

Are seasonal changes are the same all over the world?

no because in the northern hemisphere it is summer and in the southern hemisphere it is winter

What is a recurring pattern of movement between two or more locations in response to environmental rhythms or seasonal changes?

Migration is a recurring pattern of movement between two or more locations. This occurs in response to environmental rhythms or seasonal changes.

Why do the southern and northern hemispheres experience seasonal changes in temperature and light?

they do because the Earth's Tilt

What causes seasonal change?

The Earth's axis is tilted relative to the plane of its orbit ... by 23.5 degrees. Therefore, when the north pole is pointed toward the sun the northern hemisphere is in spring/summer AND when it points away we are in fall/winter.Earth's position relative to the Sun continually changes as it travels along its orbit. At certain times, we are closer to the sun,(Winter in the northern hemisphere) and at other times we are further away.

What is the current season in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is in the Northern Hemisphere, but because it is close to the equator, it is not a place where there are major seasonal changes, like you'd find in the northern US or Europe. But it's still late summer there right now (September).

What seasonal changes does Antarctica have?

Antarctica's seasons are the same as seasons all over the southern hemisphere. However, not much changes through the seasons, except the access to sun.

Does the sun on one hemisphere at a time?

No, both the hemispheres experience the sun, no matter what. The poles, however, vary during seasonal changes.

Is September considered the summer or fall?

It all depends on where you are, the northern hemisphere or the southern one. Generally speaking, in the northern hemisphere, September is considered the fall while in the southern hemisphere, September would be considered spring. However, the equinox marks the changes of seasons and September 22nd or 23rd is the normal date for the equinox. Therefore, prior to the equinox, September is technically summer in the northern hemisphere and changes to fall at the equinox. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, prior to the equinox, September is considered winter and changes to spring at the equinox.

What season is in September?

It all depends on where you are, the northern hemisphere or the southern one. Generally speaking, in the northern hemisphere, September is considered the fall while in the southern hemisphere, September would be considered spring. However, the equinox marks the changes of seasons and September 22nd or 23rd is the normal date for the equinox. Therefore, prior to the equinox, September is technically summer in the northern hemisphere and changes to fall at the equinox. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, prior to the equinox, September is considered winter and changes to spring at the equinox.

What is temperate forest?

Temperate forests are in the Northern Hemisphere and normally show very distinct and dramatic seasonal changes, e.g. it will go from 30 degrees Centigrade in the summer, to -10 degrees Centigrade in the winter.

What will happen to the amount to the sunlight in the northern hemisphere as the earth's tilt changes?

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