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Might makes right seems like a slogan for a fascist government. The rest are current or former US slogans.

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Might make right seems like a slogan for a fascist government. The rest are current or former US slogans.

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Q: Might makes right - Equality for all - In God we trust - From many one - could be the slogan of fascist governments?
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Could be the slogan of fascist governments.?

The slogan of fascist governments could be "Might makes right".

What could be the slogan of fascist government.?

The slogan of fascist governments could be "Might makes right".

When one person or a small group of people controls the government?

It's called an oligarchy. In the 20th century, some fascist governments might fall into that category, in that the one person ruler might delegate to a few of his close associates to handle some areas of the government without needing the leader's permission.

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A slogan is a phrase that is associated with a product. Commercials might help with this type of advertising when songs are used to advertise. One example of a slogan is "Beef, its what's for dinner".

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