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There was a number of Holiday movies that were both directly Christmas oriented and some , one I can think of, that just happened to be released in the Holiday season. First of all there was the very heavily advertised ( Santa Claus) which was made in the sixties and advertised ( seasonally, of course) throughout the decade and even later. The ads shouted out- Santa Claus! everybody is waiting to see Santa Claus! in Eastman Colorscope- then went dark, so to speak. No mention of actors and actresses, only the film company involved, obviously affiliated with Kodak. The borderline one would have to be Babes in Toyland, which had a good amount of stars in the cast, including fantasy old-timer Ray Bolger toting a submachine gun! The operetta Babes in Toyland was written in l903, the Thompson gun did not come out until l92l, so that is an inaccuracy right off the bat. Babes in Toyland- the song backs this up does not specifically mention Christmas. It is NOT a Christmas carol.

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