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The names of the musketeers from the novel by Alexander Dumas are Porthos, Aramis, and Athos, Pothos is not correct. The correct spelling is Porthos.

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Q: Pothos is the name of a musketeer what are the other musketeers called?
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What qualities needed to be a musketeer?

To be a musketeer, one needs to possess physical strength, proficiency in handling weapons (particularly muskets), and excellent horse-riding skills. It is also important to have discipline, loyalty, and a strong sense of camaraderie, as musketeers were expected to work closely and trust each other in battle. Additionally, being courageous, adaptable, and quick-thinking were crucial qualities for navigating the fast-paced and dangerous environments musketeers often found themselves in.

What were the names of the four musketeers?

That would be d'Artagnan. From the story "The Three Musketeers" by Alexander Dumas. The fourth Musketeer was d'Artagnan, the main character of the book "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas. He isn't a Musketeer yet at the beginning of the book, he's just an applicant. When he first meets Athos, Porthos, and Aramis (the "Three"), they end up dueling. The Cardinal's guards arrive to break it up. D'Artagnan and the 3 Musketeers join forces to fight the guards. D'Artagnan becomes friends with Athos, Porthos, and Aramis and later becomes a Musketeer himself. -

What are musketeers swords called?

Extremely difficult to answer with a comprehensive answer, musketeers were not specific to one nation or one army, and were on the fields of battle from the early 14th to the latter 18th centuries. Musketeer is more of a MOS than the romantic Dumasian ideal. A musketeer was a precursor to the modern infantry rifleman, and musketeers served in nearly every army of the nations of China, the Ottoman Empire, India, Spain, Russia, France, Sweden, Britain, and Poland. While their primary weapon was a musket, many did carry swords, daggers, and other edged weapons.Some of the swords carried by musketeers would have been:rapierssabersbroad swordsshort swordslong swordsfalchionsscimitarsDao sabersshamsheerstachikilijkhandatulwaarfirangiestocspada da latoyataghanSword smithing being a very broad craft and art form, a nearly infinite variety of bladed weapons could have been carried by the musketeers of the various nations, and swords would have been only a few of them. Consider the limitless variety of knives, daggers, axes, and pole arms these troops would have carried.

Which goddess is messenger of the god?

Iris was the messenger of Hera as well as the other Olympian gods and goddesses; with Zephyrus she had a son called Pothos one of the Erotes. Iris was the daughter of Thaumas and Electra/Ozomene thus a sister to the Harpies, Arke, and the river Hydaspes.

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Other names for the Money plant include Devil's Ivy, Golden Pothos, and Epipremnum aureum.

The main character in the three musketeers?

There are 3 main characters. Actually 4, because later in the story, Dartagnon joined the three musketeers. The other main characters are ( ofcourse the three musketeers plus Dartagnon ) Porthos, Aramis and Athos

What are names of 3 musketeer's?

According to the back of the book the three Musketeers at the back of the book it says that's Athos, Porthos and Aramis along with a forth person is sent to Paris to help bodyguard King Louis XIII when the tale turns for the worst. It then goes on to say that Dumas (the author) breathed fresh life into the genre of historic romance, creating a vividly realized cast of characters and a stirring dramatic narrative. I think that those are the names of the three musketeers. I've read the fist few pages with no luck, sorry about that. Good luck anyway! Hope I helped! Athos, Porthos, D'Aramis and D'Artanion. yeah I know that makes four but that's the way the book is written.

What story or movie other than The Three Musketeers has a single man falling in love with a married women?

"The Bridges of Madison County" (1995). Stars Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep.

What other plants grow without soil besides orchid?

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In the show The musketeers How do they fire flintlock pistol immediately without loading?

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