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A similarity between a habitat and a niche is that they both have to deal with an organisms lifestyle.

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Q: Similarities between habitat and niche of an organism?
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Difference between habitat and niche?

A niche is a cycle an organism goes through every day to survive. A hahitat is where an organism lives.

Explain the difference between habitat and ecological niche. (?

habitat is the combined biotic and abiotic factors where an organism lives while a niche is a biological that an organism needs to stay healthy and reproduce. in short terms a habitat is was an organism lives while a niche is what an organism needs to successfully live and reproduce. 

What the difference between a habitat and a niche?

A niche is a cycle an organism goes through every day to survive. A hahitat is where an organism lives.

Compare niche and habitat?

A niche is an organism's role in its ecosystem and a habitat is where an organism lives. They help the organism in its life.

What is the difference between an organism's habitat and its niche?

An organisms habitat is where the organism lives; ex ocean, forest, desert etc. The organisms niche is its role within the habitat.

The place where an organism fits in its habitat?

The place an organism fits into its habitat is its niche.

What is a organism's role in a habitat?

That is an organism's ecological niche.

What is the role of the organism in its habitat?

is a niche

What is a habitat niche?

Habitat and niche are two different things. Habitat is where the organism lives. Niche is the organism's role it plays in it's habitat.

What is the difference between an organism's niche and habitat?

A habitat is the environment in which the organism lives, whereas a niche is the role the organism play in its environment. Let's look at the Pinon Jay as an example. Its habitat is the Pinon-Juniper woodlands, whereas its niche is the consumption of pinion nuts, spreading the nuts, spreading nutrients through its droppings, and being preyed on by various predators etc.

Combination of an organism's habitat and its role in the habitat?

This is known as a niche.

How do habitat and niche relate?

The habitat is where the 'Organism' lives naturally, a niche is any place that animal can survive.