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Four types of LC oscillators include voltage controlled oscillators, drift control oscillators, crystal oscillators, and tuned circuit oscillators. A tuned circuit oscillator is the most common type of oscillator.

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Why LC oscillators are not used for low frequency?

They are not suitable for use as extremely low-frequency oscillators because the inductors and capacitors would be large in size, heavy, and costly to manufacture.

Why RC oscillators are not suitable for high frequency generation?

Because an RC oscillator is affected by stray capacitance in the active components in the circuit. HF oscillators use an LC tuned circuit to define the frequency.

Why LC oscillator not suitable for audio frequency?

Another type of sine-wave generator uses inductors and capacitors for its frequency-determining network. This type is known as the LC OSCILLATOR. LC oscillators, which use tank circuits, are commonly used for the higher radio frequencies. They are not suitable for use as extremely low-frequency oscillators because the inductors and capacitors would be large in size, heavy, and costly to manufacture.

What is 4 lc?

"Four-Leaf Clover".

What is the advantages of L-C oscillator circuit?

At high frequencies for rc oscillators stray capacitances comes into act so q value reduses where for lc circutes q value is high

What does LC stand for in LC connector?

LC stands for Lucent Connectors

What is a Usanse LC?

LC for 30,60,90,or 120 days is called Usanse LC

What is a LC opening?

what is lc opening?

What types of connector are use for fiber optic?

FC SC, ST, LC, D4, DIN, MU and MT

What does LC mean?

lc = learning centre