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They were young, Christian boys from the Balkans.

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Q: The Ottoman army's elite corps of officers known as janissaries existed from the 14th century until the 19th century. Which of the following best describes the first janissaries?
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Why were the janissaries important to the ottoman sultans?

Because the janissaries protected the sultan

Who were the janisseries?

In fact, it' janissaries, Ottoman infantry units.

What was the ottoman army of slaves called?

That particular army was called the JANISSARIES.

How were the ghazis and janissaries similar?

They were both elite warrior units in the Ottoman Empire.

What is the Ottoman institution that provided Balkan slaves for the formation of the Janissaries?

The Ottoman system for recruiting Christian slaves from the Balkans for the creation of the Janissaries (physically strong boys), Bureaucrats (mentally strong boys), and Harem Women (girls) was Devşirme.

Recruited from the local Christian population in Balkans, the Janissaries were?

a guerrilla army that sought to drive out the ottoman Turks

What were the jsnissaries?

The Janissaries were an elite group of of infantry in the 14th century. The formed the Ottoman Sultan's household troops and bodyguards.

Elite guard of the Ottoman Turks?

the elite soldiers name is Janissary, the protecter of the Ottoman Crown

Which of the following describes why the devshirme system was so important to the ottoman empire?

It protected the sultan's power by providing him with a group of extremely loyal officials and soldiers.

What jobs did the Ottoman Empire have?

There were many of the same jobs in the Ottoman Empire as existed in Europe at that time, such as soldiers (Janissaries), bankers, merchants, booksellers, grocers, artisans, government bureaucrats, and low-level manufacturers.

Why did the janissaries refuse to use modern weapons?

The Janissaries, being a conservative and traditionalist group, resisted the adoption of modern weapons because they believed it would undermine their status and power. The Janissaries were deeply rooted in Ottoman military and cultural traditions and feared that embracing modern weapons would lead to a loss of their unique identity and privileges within the Ottoman Empire. Additionally, the Janissaries had a monopoly on the production and supply of traditional weapons, which they sought to protect.

Did the Ottoman Empire have to do anything with terrorism?

It is unclear what you mean by this question. There were certainly brigades in the Janissaries and Ottoman Traditional Armies that created terror and there were violent guerrilla groups that opposed the Ottoman Empire and civilians. The Ottoman Empire, however, did not design, create, define, or in any other way directly promote the concept or execution of terror activities.