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How could the relationship between Pip and Biddy be described?

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Q: The relationship between pip and his sister?
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In what way is pip's relationship with joe different from his relationship with his sister?

Joe looks after pip while his sister beats him so pip has a closer bond to Joe than his sister

What the relationship between joe and pip's sister?

Joe is married to Pip's sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery. Joe is a kind-hearted blacksmith who cares for Pip and Mrs. Joe, despite her harsh treatment of him. Their relationship is one of mutual respect, with Joe serving as a calming presence in their household.

Is the relationship between Pip and Estella resolved?

In Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations," the relationship between Pip and Estella is left somewhat ambiguous and open to interpretation. While there is a suggestion of reconciliation and a possibility of a future together, the ending is not definitive about their relationship status.

What is the relationship between you and your husband's sister?

Your husband's sister is your sister in-law.

What tragedy happens in pip's family?

Pip's sister dies

How does the relationship between Pip and Joe develop. In the Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?


What does Pip steal from his sister's house?

Pip steals food and a file to help escape from his sister's house in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations."

Who does Pip suspect in injuring his sister?

Pip suspects Orlick of injuring his sister, Mrs. Joe, because of his violent tendencies and previous conflicts with him.

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What is the relationship between Candice and Phineas?

They are Brother & Sister.

Why does pip live with village blacksmith Joe gargery?

Pip lives with the blacksmith Joe Gargery because Pip's parents and siblings have died, and Joe is married to Pip's sister, Mrs. Joe. Joe and Mrs. Joe take Pip in and raise him as their own.

What does Joe tell Pip about his childhood?

Joe tells Pip that he was orphaned as a child and raised by his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery. He also shares with Pip that he is grateful for the love and kindness he received from his sister, despite her harsh manner.