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Q: The term for communications between remote devices?
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What does the term pip on cable-vision remote control mean?

picture in picture

What literary devices were used in mid-term break by seamus heaney?

assonance and alliteration

What is a hoosier's job?

It's not an occupation as much as a personality - an unsophisticated person from a remote place. Apparently first applied to residents of Indiana as a derogatory term, it was adopted as a title of pride.

What term defines the relationship between the employer and employee?


What is the relationship between a king and a dictator?

Same meaning, different term.

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What is a broad term that describes the ability to link various media and devices to enhance communications and improve access to information?

Connectivity defined broadly is the ability to link various media and devices, it enhances communications and improve access to information.

Which term is used to describe the process of establishing a connection between any two Bluetooth devices?

Authentication is the term for establishing a connection between any two Bluetooth devices.

What do the letters USB stand for in the term USB HDD?

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, the most common standard for cables and communications protocols between computers and peripheral devices. In this case, the peripheral device is a hard disk drive, or HDD.

What does the term chem comm mean?

"ChemComm" is a term that is short for Chemical Communications. Chemical Communications is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by Royal Society of Chemistry.

What is the difference between a micro computer and a server?

A micro computer is a non specific term referring to a small computer built round a computer processor made from a single chip. This compares with the early computers that were so large that they filled whole buildings and later "mini" computers that filled rooms. Most user computers (desktops, laptops, tablets, phones) are all generically "micro computers". A server is an non specif term referring to a computer supplied with storage and or CPU capability and configured without user interface peripherals. A "compute" server would provide CPU capability to remote "client devices - user desktops" A "storage server" would provide storage space to remote "client devices - user desktops" A "terminal server" would provide virtual desktop services to remote "client devices - users"

What does the term aironet mean?

Aironet, a division of Cisco Systems acquired by Cisco Systems in 1999 , is a company providing wireless networking devices. Aironet Wireless Communications was started in 1986 by ex-Marconi Wireless employees.

Tagalog term of remote control?

Tagalog Translation of REMOTE CONTROL: talautusan

What is the meaning of the term outbreeding devices of the flowers?

The devices by which pollination will take place

What is the difference between teleconferencing and videoconferencing?

Teleconferencing is a blanket term used to describe, overall, communication between two people at remote sites, via video and/or audio. This also includes the term "video conferencing", "voice over IP", etc.

What is term for the process of gathering information through images taken at a distance?

Remote sensing

A diplomatice term for a final communications setting conditions to be met?