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Apollo 8 astronauts were the first to view the cratrs on the moon, Apollo 11 astronauts had a vey close view as they walked on the moon.

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Q: This man first viewd the craters of the moon?
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Related questions

Where did the phrase man on the moon come from?

the craters on the visble side of the moon sometimes look like a man's face, depending on what the phase is and whre you are.

Is there really a man in the moon?

not a real mean just the craters and such make it look like a human face on the moon

Who was the first man to view the crators of the moon?

The Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders were the first people to see the craters on the moon closely. Other wise it was Galileo galilee who saw it first.

Is the surface of the moon smooth and flat?

The moon is ridgy and bumpy. It has craters, mountains, and valleys, much like Earth. That is why you can see the man on the moon. So no the moon is not smooth.

Man on the moon before you figured out it would be?

It depends on whether you are referring to the Apollo Missions or the Proverbeal, "Man on the Moon." In the second case, the answer is Craters and other geologial anomalies.

Why do you think you see images of a mans face when you look at the moon?

Based on how the craters are places and the angle at which you are looking at the moon, it seems to show the "man on the moon" face.

What year was the first man on the moon?

1969 is when the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong took man's first steps on the moon.

Did Galileo observe sunspots and craters on the moon?

Duh, man built a telescope and looked into it.

Who was the first man on th moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

Hew was the first man on the moon?

The first man on the moon is Neil Armstrong

Who put the first man on the moon?

the USA put the first man on the moon.

Who really was the first man on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.