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Upang kanino ang maaaring ito Patungkol

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Q: To Whom It May Concern in tagalog?
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What is To whom it may concern in Tagalog?

To whom it may concern in Tagalog: sa may kinauukulan

How do you make a letter of authorization in tagalog?

tagalog ng letter of authorization

Anu sa tagalog ang to whom it may concern?

para sa kinauukulan

Which 1 is right.. To whomsoever it may concern or to whom it may concern?

'To whom it may concern' is right. 'To whom soever it may concern' is wrong.

What is the correct punctuation to this busniess greeting To Whom It May Concern?

The correct punctuation for the business greeting "To Whom It May Concern" is a colon.

When was To Whom It May Concern... created?

To Whom It May Concern... was created in 1990.

What is a synonym for to whom it may concern?

to whom it may concern

Do you capitalize to whom it may concern?

Yes. It should be: To Whom It May Concer n

When was To Whom It May Concern - The Pasadenas album - created?

To Whom It May Concern - The Pasadenas album - was created in 1988.

What actors and actresses appeared in To Whom It May Concern - 2012?

The cast of To Whom It May Concern - 2012 includes: Dejan Cukic

Does this salutation have capital letters To Whom It May Concern letter salutations?

Yes, the salutation "To Whom It May Concern" should have capitalized letters at the beginning of each word.

Which is correct - To whomsoever it may concern or To whom it may concern?

To whom it may concern.As to why:Who made this decision? (who is the subject in this sentence).Whom do you think should be supported? (whom is the object of supported).