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Q: TrueFalse The British government was in serious financial trouble after the French and Indian War?
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The British government was in serious financial trouble after the French and Indian War?


Was the british government in serious financial trouble after the french Indian war?


Was the British government in serious financial trouble after the French and Indian war?


How do you use the word fiscal in a sentence?

Fiscal is an adjective for something that is related to financial matters. Example sentence:The federal government has fiscal problems, but our state is in serious fiscal trouble.

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Hamilton's financial plan is significant not only for its attempt mostly successful to restore the nation's credit

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British interference with American ships was much more serious during the days America was coming into being. When the British captured a ship, they often impressed the captured seamen into the British Navy.

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The UK does not have an equivalent of the FBI. Most criminal investigations are handled by the Police, and the most serious ones are dealt with by the London Metropolitan Police (aka Scotland Yard). Serious Organised crime is dealt with by the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), a government organisation. Secret investigations are done by the Security Service, better known as MI5 (Military Intelligence Section Five). Both the Police, SOCA and MI5 come under control of the Home Office, an executive department of the British Government.

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Jim Doyle is governor. wisconsins government can be discribed as serious and legal.

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Is this a serious question? Of course they do not!

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