yes he was when he was facing frieza
No, he wasn't. Bardock's power level at this stage was close to 10,000 far below what if requireded to reach the level of Super Saiyan regardless of how angry you are. He was weaker than Vegeta when Vegeta first came to earth (he had a power level of 18,000). Goku had a power level of 3,000,000 before he was able to turn into a Super Saiyan. Even if Bardock could somehow turn Super Saiyan, he would still be weaker than Frieza's first form, because turning into a Super Saiyan increases your power level by 50x, making it 500,000. Frieza's first form is 530,000. Bardock was no where near the Super Saiyan level.
Well, he can go Super Saiyan in the bardock special movie {Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - Father Of Goku}. That’s how he managed to defeat Lord Chill {A frost demon just like Frieza in his first form, only shorter and chubbier.} proclaiming himself to be the legendary Super Saiyan. Shortly before his death, Lord Chill warned his minions to inform everyone of the legendary Super Saiyan and beware of his power. Which ultimately led to Frieza learning about the legend and fearing the being so badly, that he destroyed the Saiyan race because of it. {Just to explain why Frieza destroyed them} However, no one knew that Bardock was {supposedly} the Super Saiyan. But ultimate result is… No. Canon Bardock cannot go Super Saiyan. If he could, then Frieza might not be alive. {Yes. SSJ Bardock is more powerful than first form Frieza at full power.} So hopefully that gives you a little insight on the difference. Simple words used are, Canon Bardock can’t turn Super, non canon can.
Goku (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3)Vegeta (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Vegeta (Scouter)Majin VegetaVegito (Super Saiyan)Super GogetaKid GohanTeen Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Adult Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Ultimate GohanFuture Trunks (Sword) (Base, Super Saiyan)Future Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Kid Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Goten (Base, Super Saiyan)Gotenks (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)PiccoloKrillinTienYamchaChiaotzuVidelRaditzNappaSaibamanFrieza (1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, Final Form, Full Power)Zarbon (Base, Post-Transformation)DodoriaCuiCaptain GinyuJeiceBurterRecoomeGuldoFrieza SoldierCell (Imperfect Form, Semi-Perfect Form, Perfect Form, Super Perfect)Cell JrAndroid 16Android 17Android 18Android 19Dr. GeroMajin BuuSuper Buu (Base, Gohan Absorbed)Kid BuuDaburaBardockBroly (Legendary Super Saiyan)
Saiyans are a different, superior species to humans.When they turn to a super saiyan, their hair color changes to a bright golden yellow. in the exception of super saiyan 4 when eyes go black and hair goes Red, orange, or black.a saiyan is a being born on planet vegeta or has a relative who is the saiyan's have a unique ability to transform into a giant ape known as great apes or oozarus which is done by looking at a full moon, the saiyan's also can change into a super saiyan 1, 2, 3 and 4 all of them have blonde hair except normal saiyan's which have brown and/or black hair and super saiyan 4's have the saiyans original saiyans form but have red hair all over their body and they don't have a shirt except for fusions who have a vest and super saiyan 4's have tails they are achieved through turning into golden great apes and a super saiyans eyes are green but super saiyan 3's and 4's have different colour eyes super saiyan 3's have a black centre of there eyes and super saiyan 4's have black centres and a yellow bit on the outside of their eyes a normal saiyan has black eyes and an oozaru has full red eyes no whitesorry for the huge definition.*the saiyan race basically was wiped out except for Goku,Vegeta,(Broly and his father),(Nappa,Raditz),Tarble,and Goku and Vegeta's kids,grandkids,and great and great great grandkids()= dead in first series
It is just another super saiyan form.
Super Saiyan 3 is the last Super Saiyan level in Dragon Ball Z. Goku acquires this level when he fights with Buu. In Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta both become Super Saiyan 4, but that's after Dragon Ball Z.
not even ssj1...
No Bardock will not turn super saiyan because he does not have a high enough energy level.
No, plus he died even though he didn't try to become a super saiyan
he was about 2, when he was fighting with frieza Actually DBZ did a episode in japan recently called the Episode of Bardock where you see what has happened to Bardock after Freiza destroyed the planet and he does go super saiyan.
No sadly, he has not. Nor will he ever, unless the developers somehow get a spark.
That would be Bardock. When planet Vegeta was destroyed somehow Bardock was sent back in time to Planet plant where he met chilled. Bardock went super saiyan at that time and defeated Chilled. Chilled shared his knowledge of his super saiyan experience with his decendants. Frieza knew about it thats why he blew up Vegeta. And that's how the whole super saiyan legend was started!
The First Legendary Super Saiyan was the first Super Saiyan because a legendary super saiyan comes every thousand years. And the first super saiyan is bardock because he traveled back time.
Bardock if he was a super saiyan atleast but at his normal form hes dead
he couldnt because he could he like to be happy he is normal he is a zanpakuto i met him yesterday he is super saiyan when he fights cooler type it in youtube
Well, he can go Super Saiyan in the bardock special movie {Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - Father Of Goku}. That’s how he managed to defeat Lord Chill {A frost demon just like Frieza in his first form, only shorter and chubbier.} proclaiming himself to be the legendary Super Saiyan. Shortly before his death, Lord Chill warned his minions to inform everyone of the legendary Super Saiyan and beware of his power. Which ultimately led to Frieza learning about the legend and fearing the being so badly, that he destroyed the Saiyan race because of it. {Just to explain why Frieza destroyed them} However, no one knew that Bardock was {supposedly} the Super Saiyan. But ultimate result is… No. Canon Bardock cannot go Super Saiyan. If he could, then Frieza might not be alive. {Yes. SSJ Bardock is more powerful than first form Frieza at full power.} So hopefully that gives you a little insight on the difference. Simple words used are, Canon Bardock can’t turn Super, non canon can.
If U have watched one of Bardock's other specials, you would know that bardock went back in time, met frieza's ancestor, Frieza's ancestor killed all of his new friends on the planet back in time before Planet Vegeta, then Bardock went mad and went super saiyan