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She weighs 59kg and her height is the same as mine 5"8

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Q: What's the height and weight of Tola Szlagowska from Blog27?
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Your height is 5.9 your weight is 179 pond your be iam over weigh?

Its not all about weight....whats your BMI?

What is the normal weight of an 18 years old boy?

that depends, whats your height? once you know your height go onto an online weight calculator and enter your height. that gives you your weight. and then i guess just go on the internet and type up average height for an 18 year old boy :) thats what id do anyway ...

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There are multiple indicators and indexes used to evaluate healthy weight range. However, only medical practitioners can make a diagnosis as to weight management. One such measure is body mass index. a healthy BMI for an adult of this height is between 94 and 128 pounds.

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Whats the weight for a 14 years?

This depends on many things such as gender, weight and height. We figure out our personally approppriate weight with the BMI calculation, your BMI is easily calculated with your weight and height. Not all 14 year olds should be the same weight because some of them are made differently. So heres how to calculate your BMI. You divide your height in cm by your weight in kilograms, but there are many sites that can calculate this for you such as the site below. just refer to the light blue box and enter in your details, (weight and height). but as a general observation by 14yrs , I am 53 kilograms which is counted as healthy because I am about 162cm.

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i think it is 4 ft 5.

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Im 17 years old 18 in like 3 months. im 5'9 in height and i vary from 9 stone to 9 and a half in weight. I want to know whats the perfect weight for me is?

5'9 and having a large bone frame.doctors say that 145-165 is a healthy weight