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Q: What South American fish can eat a human?
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Which South American fish can eat a human in a second?


Which fish native to South America could eat a human within seconds?


Does parrot fish eat another fish?

Yes it does.But it is only with the feeder fish or other fish than south american cicleds.

What is there to eat in the south pole?

fish, fish and fish

What type of fish do frigate birds eat?

It mainly steals the food from other animalsThey eat fish.

What do child parrot fish who live in a tank eat?

Being a large bodied south american(ish) fish, the freshwater parrot fish will eat things like pellets and flake food. A general tropical pellet is probably the best food for these fish.

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Do South Koreans eat fish and chips?

No. Fish and chips is a staple of English cuisine, not South Korean cuisine.

Can a spoonbill eat a human?

No. Spoonbills eat small fish, amphibians and invertebrates.

What do fish eat besides other fish?

They can eat lures, bait, worms, corn, bread, popcorn, and a lot of other human food. They also eat each others fish eggs. Some fish, like a carp, will just eat about any human food, bait, lure you give them.

What human foods crayfish eat?

fish food is a great food for cray fish

What do sharks mostly like to eat?

depending on who hungry they are they eat small fish or human