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brown vs. board of education

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Plessy v. Ferguson

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Plessy v. Ferguson

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Q: What Supreme Court case established a legal basis for segregation under the concept of separate but equal?
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Which of these court cases established the concept of separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites is the supreme law for all judges at either the state or federal level?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Who established the concept of separate but equal?

woodrow wilson. it was part of jim crows law

What did Plessy vs Ferguson establish?

Plessy v. Ferguson, (1896) established the "separate but equal" doctrine that allowed Jim Crow segregation laws to flourish throughout the United States. This doctrine was held to be unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment in Brown v. Board of Education, (1954).

What did john marshall accomplish?

John Marshall was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He is basically considered the "father of the supreme court." He established many important judicial precedents. In Marbury v. Madison, Marshall established the concept of judicial review.

What is the concept of segregation?

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What is defacto segregation?

"de facto" literally means "about or concerning fact", but in our usage, we take it as "in practice, but not required by law". The concept of "de facto" segregation means that even though there is no law requiring separation or segregation (of race or creed or whatever), the people choose to segregate themselves.

What document limited the rights of African Americans after the civil war?

Jim Crow laws. Supreme Court upholding the legal concept of separate but equal.

In what year did the US supreme court overturn the separate but equal law?


Why was Marbury V Madison an important supreme court decision?

It was a concept of judicial review. In other words the supreme court have the authority to review other branches of court and decide whether or not the cases are unconstitutional.

Why was Thurgood Marshall's famous?

He was famous for being the lawyer for the Brown decision that found that schools were discriminating against children of color. He said that the concept that someone could be separate but equal was wrong and wasn't equality. He served for many years on the Supreme Court of the United States. He was truly a great man.

What accounting concept or principle provide guidance related to separate personal account with business account?

the accounting concept that separate the personal account from the business account is business separate entity concept

What is separation theology?

Separation theology is the belief that God is separate and distinct from the material world, and that humans must strive to transcend the physical realm to connect with God spiritually. This theology often emphasizes the need for purity, asceticism, and detachment from worldly desires in order to achieve a closer relationship with the divine.