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Some kids just love Thomas and will keep playing with Thomas for years, but generally once they get to primary school, they develop other interests in line with what the other boys are interested in like aliens or robots or cars etc. Thomas the Train generally appeals to boys from about the age of 2 to about 5 years.

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Q: What age do boys grow out of Thomas the Train?
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Boys typically grow the fastest between the ages of 11 and 13. Most boys stop growing at around 16.

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What is the maximum weight for a Thomas Ride on Train?

The Thomas the Train and Friends Battery operated train on a track has a maximum weight limit of 45 pounds. It is recommended for kids up to the age of 5.

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You are a idiot. They Dont.

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Women usually grow until they are around the age of sixteen. Boys usually grow until they around the age of eighteen.

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Your body starts to grow quicker during Puberty. This can begin from age 10 for girls and 12 for boys.

Why are boys wacko?

Because they ARE boys, and they do not grow up until at least the age of fifty. Then only after a good wife has trained them.

At what age is it appropriate to get a Thomas train set for a child?

Because Thomas train sets are so expensive, you should make sure a child is old enough to take care of toys. Generally three or four is a good age for a train set. This age is old enough to know not to damage the toys but young enough to have a long imaginative play life left.

How did Aztec boys train for war?

Every boy in the aztecs received military training from and early age.

The three times when you grow?

Growth spurt 1: Girls (age 8-9), Boys (age 9-10). In 2 years you grow 4 or 5 inches. Then for a couple of years you go back to growing normally (1.5 inches a year) Growth spurt 2: Girls (age 11-12), Boys (age 12-13). In 2-3 years you grow 4 or 5 inches. Then you go straight into the third, massive growth spurt Growth spurt 3: Girls (age 14-17), Boys (age 15-21). In that time you grow at a rate of between 2.5 and 4.5 inches a year. That's how 5ft tall boys grow to be 6ft5