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Q: What all poetic devices are used in human family by Maya Angelou?
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Why did Maya angelou use repetition in her poem human family?

Maya Angelou used repetition in her poem "Human Family" to emphasize unity and connection among all people, regardless of their differences. The repetitive structure serves to reinforce the message that despite our diverse backgrounds and experiences, we are ultimately part of the same human family.

What poetic devices are in A Slumber D id M y Spirit Seal by William Wordsworth?

"A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal" by William Wordsworth contains the poetic devices of personification (giving human qualities to a non-human entity, in this case, sleep), symbolism (the seal symbolizing death), and imagery (visual descriptions of the setting and emotions).

What poetic devices are used in after a rainstorm by Robert Wrigley?

"After a Rainstorm" by Robert Wrigley uses poetic devices such as imagery to vividly describe the effects of a storm, personification to give human characteristics to nature, and symbolism to convey deeper meaning through the rainstorm's aftermath. These devices work together to create a sensory and emotional experience for the reader.

What are the Poetic devices used in the poem the cherry tree by Ruskin Bond?

In "The Cherry Tree" by Ruskin Bond, some poetic devices used include imagery (descriptions of the tree and its surroundings), personification (giving human qualities to the tree), and simile (comparing the blossoms to snowflakes). These devices help create a vivid and evocative picture of the scene.

What poetic devices are used in Czeslaw Milosz's poem A Story?

In "A Story" by Czeslaw Milosz, poetic devices such as imagery, metaphor, and repetition are used to evoke a sense of memory and reflection. The poem uses vivid descriptions and symbolic language to explore themes of time, mortality, and the human experience.

What are the Poetic devices used in poem A PHOTOGRAPH?

Some poetic devices used in the poem "A Photograph" by Shirley Toulson include imagery (descriptive language that creates visual pictures), personification (attributing human qualities to non-human objects), and symbolism (the use of objects to represent deeper meanings or ideas).

What are the Poetic devices found in the stones throw?

In "The Stones Throw," some poetic devices that may be found include imagery (descriptive language creating vivid mental pictures), simile (comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"), metaphor (implied comparison between two things), personification (giving human characteristics to non-human things), and alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sounds).

Poetic Devices used in I carry your heart with me?

Some poetic devices used in "i carry your heart with me" by E.E. Cummings include imagery (visual descriptions to create emotion), repetition (such as the use of "i carry your heart with me"), and personification (attributing human traits to non-human elements like the heart).

What poetic devices are used in the poem indigenous all stars by Zelda quakawoot?

The poem "Indigenous All Stars" by Zelda Quakawoot uses poetic devices such as imagery, symbolism, repetition, and personification. The poet employs vivid descriptions and symbols to evoke emotions and convey cultural significance, while also repeating certain phrases for emphasis and using personification to give human qualities to non-human elements.

What are Poetic device used in the poem old wife and the ghost of James reeves?

The poem "Old Wife and the Ghost" by James Reeves uses various poetic devices such as imagery (description of the old wife and the ghost), symbolism (the ghost representing the past), personification (assigning human qualities to the ghost), and metaphor (comparing the ghost to a shadow of her youth). These devices help create a vivid and emotional portrayal of the old wife's relationship with her past.

What are three poetic devices on flanders field?

Three poetic devices used in "In Flanders Fields" are alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sounds, e.g. "row on row"), imagery (vivid mental pictures created through description, e.g. "poppies blow"), and personification (giving human attributes to non-human things, e.g. "guns growl").

What poetic elements are used in Dickinson's If I cant stop one heart from breaking?

In "If I can't stop one heart from breaking" by Emily Dickinson, poetic devices used include imagery ("soft words and even", "sky of May"), metaphor ("murmur of a bee"), symbolism (heart breaking representing emotional pain), and personification (heart and bee are given human qualities).