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Q: What animals live in a Savannah from Lion King?
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What animals live on a savannah or grasslands?

Zebra, cape buffalo, Giraffe, hyena, lion,

What is the habitat of the lion?

in a denLions live in the savannah.

What type of habitat do lion live in?

Lions live on the African savannah.

Where do animals live and sleep in the savannah?

the Savannah animals sleep and like in shrubs and or grass

Why is a lion called king of the Savannah?

"King of the Savanna" is more appropriate title for lions as the title, "king of the jungle", doesn't apply to lions as they don't live in the jungles. Lions would be called "King of the Savanna" because lions are renown for their majesty and beauty, and few animals even challenge lions.

What were the hyenas in ''The Lion King'' called?

Sub-Saharan Africa, Northern and Eastern Africa


In the movie the lion king where did they live

What kind of animals live in the Savanna?

Savannah is a biome characterized by two well differentiated seasons during the year, one that is very wet and other that is very dry. A very clear example of a Savannah is great part of the African continent. The animals that can live in this environment are: Elephants, zebras, rhinos, cheetahs, lions, leopards and gazelles.

What are some biomes in the Lion King?

The Savannah is probably the main biome, but I think you could pull off one of the forests or rainforests for where Timone and Pumbaa live.

What are five animals that live in the savannah?

There are many animals living in the Savannah. One animal is the giraffe. Along with the giraffe is the African elephant. There are also lions, cheetahs, antelopes, ostrich, buffalo, kangaroo (Australia), deer, zebras, Asian elephants, tigers, aardvarks, and so much more.

What animals live in the savannah and in deserts?

lions and orcks live in both

Can i see pictures of animals that live in the Savannah?

yes just go to google and click images and type in photos of savannah animals