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camels and certain types of snakes

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Q: What animals survive in hot deserts?
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What types of desert are there?

There are two major classes of deserts:Hot Deserts such as the Sahara, the Arabian Desert and the Mojave Desert.Cold Deserts such as Antarctica, the Gobi Desert and the Patagonian Desert.

Why fewer animals live in desert than a rainforest?

There are two main types of desert: hot desert and cold desert (also called tundra).In the tundra, animals need to be able to stay warm, and therefor there are few or no cold blooded vertebrates. Trees can't even grow in cold deserts because the winter is so cold that the soil stays frozen year round, just a few inches beneath the surface.In hot deserts, plants are primarily affected by the heat because it increases the rate that water evaporates. However, desert plants are very good at conserving their water. For animals, hot deserts are often so hot, that they simply hide underground until nighttime. For those that don't, it increases how much water loss they have and thus, they need more water (although there are animals, like meerkats, that live in hot deserts and still are active during the day, yet they get all of the water that they need from food).Clarification:Tundra and desert are two distinct biomes. While they may share some characteristics, they are different biomes.Deserts are divided into two general types:Hot Deserts - such as the Sahara, Arabian Desert, Mojave DesertCold Deserts - such as the Atacama, Gobi, Antarctica and Great BasinSome cold deserts may get quite hot during the summer but winter temperatures can be very cold. They are sometimes called 'cold winter deserts.' Hot deserts usually stay mild in the winter but summers are very hot. Some cold deserts are classified as such because of their geographic location near the sea that tends to moderate their temperatures. Both the Atacama and the Namib Deserts are generally mild the year round with no temperature extremes. Sometimes they are labeled as 'cool coastal deserts.'

What type of climate is in deserts of Egypt?

The deserts of Egypt are classified as hot deserts.

What are some dominant animals in the desert?

Depends on the type and location of the desert. Most deserts have endemic apex species. Most north American deserts have some form of cactus as the predominant specie, where as African deserts do not have endemic cactus species.It is safe to say that the prevalent plant species in a hot, dry desert is zerophytic.Of course not all deserts are hot, there are also cold deserts such as Antartica, where there are no plant species.Depends which desert.most are dominated by many kinds of plants which have been specially adapted to survive there such as cacti

Are all desert biomes hot?

No, there are hot deserts, cool deserts and cold deserts. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world and it is bitterly cold there.

Related questions

Why is it so difficult for plants and animals to survive in deserts and tundra?

there is not a lot of water.. therefore the plants dont survive and the animals also do not survive.

Can you survive in hot deserts?

with enough water and protection from the sun... yes

What sort of animals are found in hot deserts?


What is the main difference between hot and cold desert besides temperate?

the main difference between a hot and cold desert is the animals

Why is it so difficult for plants and animals to survive in deserts and tundras?

there is not a lot of water.. therefore the plants dont survive and the animals also do not survive.

How are animals used for transport in hot deserts?

camels are used for transport

What animals can survive hot deserts?

Animals live in hot deserts in diffrent ways.. Lets Take a camel as a Example, when camels drink water, the water goes in two rooms in a camel body, 10% of the water gets drinked, and 90% left saved in the camels body, so he can drink it when he is thirsty...

Can rattlesnakes live in any desert?

Rattlesnakes live in deserts only in the Americas., primarily in the United States and Mexico. South American species are primarily tropical animals as the deserts on that continent are too dry and cool for rattlers.

Does a reindeer survive in a cold or a hot desert?

Neither. Reindeer live in the tundra primarily not in deserts.

How do armadillo survive in the desert?

Armadillos do not normally live in deserts. They prefer grasslands.

How do animals survive in the harsh desert climate?

There is no one way desert animals survive. Instead, there are a lot of ways animals (and plants) survive in deserts, in part because there are different kinds of deserts. Some are hot, some are cold, some get a lot of rain occasionally, while others get no rain ever, but do get a lot of dew frequently. The same survival techniques do not work everywhere.

Why there is deserts?

because the animals that like hot and dy humid need some were to live