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Native American and Spanish Settlers,

but you should really look in your book instead of copy and pasting because you will not learn anything by that.


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native american and spanish

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Q: What are 2 major cultural blends in central America?
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What are the two major cultural blends of the Caribbean?

Native American, African and European influences blend together.

What is the major religon of central America?


Is central ameria a continent?

Central America is a Subcontinent The Definition of Subcontinent is as follows: A large land mass smaller than a continent; a major division of a continent. As Central America is a major division from North America and South America, it is considered a Subcontinent Central America is a large land mass smaller than a continent and a major division between two Continents: North America and South America.

What is the major languages of Mexico and central America?


What are the major religions and languages of Central America?

I dont know the religion, but i know the language and its spanish.ANSWER 2:The major religion of Central America is Christianity (predominantly Catholic).

Central America's major exports include all what EXCEPT?

The list of choices that you posted along with your question doesn't include any items that are not major exports of central America.

What is the major language of Central America?

If you mean central North America then it would be English, but if you mean central South America, and Brazil is the most central to the country then I would suggest language of Brazil or even Spanish.

What is the major religion of Central America?

Christianity, Roman Catholic

What is the major language spoken in Central America?


What was the major civilization located in Central America?

There were the Aztecs and the Mayans.

What are the four major political regions of Latin America?

Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean

What problems did central America face after the end of colonization?

Land settlement and reform after depopulation and deforestation has been a major issue for Central America.