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They were upper- level public secondary schools set up by Napoleon Bonaparte in France, with the first one opening in 1801.

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Q: What are Lycees?
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What are Napoleon created lycees?

schools run by the gov.

What did Napoleon Bonaparte order the establishment of in every major town to train government officials?


Napoleon created lycees which are?

governmently run pubic schools. open to male students of all backgrounds

Did napoleon create public schools?

Yes, Napoleon introduced public-run schools, called Lycees.

How do you spell lycees?

The spelling "lycee" (lycée, plural lycées) are public secondary schools in France, dating to Napoleon's time.

What words can be made from the letters l e s f e c y?


Acomplisments of Napoleon?

Accomplishments: -Efficient national gov't -Gov't school (lycees) -No privileges, ability counts -Legion of Honor created -Settled religious matters -Napoleonic Code -Taxes reformed -Public works -Stability

How did Napoleon change the educational system in France?

He established 4 types of schools, primary (run by church), secondary, technical and lycees (military based). There was an exam called the Baccalaureat which students took to determine which school they got into.

What are some six letter words with 3rd letter C and 4th letter E and 5th letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern --CEE-. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter C and 4th letter E and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: abcees emceed emcees exceed lycees sycees

What are some six letter words with 1st letter L and 3rd letter C and 5th letter E and 6th letter S?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern L-C-ES. That is, six letter words with 1st letter L and 3rd letter C and 5th letter E and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: laches leches liches locoes lucres lycees lyches

What was Napoleon Bonaparte able to accomplish during peacetime?

He established a national bank in France, converted France to the metric system, built new roads, reformed the army, attempted to rebuild the navy, brought France out of bankruptcy, codified a new legal system, incorporated Frances new territories and worked to legitimatize his reign.

What aspects of the French Revolution did Napoleon preserve and which did he destroy?

This question is usually divided into three factors: Fraternity, Equality and Liberty. Napoleon quite frankly destroyed many aspects of hope and trust the people had in Napoleon when he promised the revolution would be honored. In a sense, Napoleon ruled the way he wanted to stay in power. His style of rule (sentus conslum?) meant that political hands were simply just for show, and Napoleon slaved hours and hours over Code Napoleon in 1818 by himself. (Modern dictatorship at it's best)Destroyed the French Revolution:LibertyPolice State - Much of pre-revolutionary/Bourbon times were fiercely censored and monitored by the King to avoid oppositionNapoleon did the exactly the same and preserved the harshness of the system - he made it much worse, and enforced Gendarmes who kept a harsh eye on the workers made them carry 'livres de cachet' - workbooks that monitored activity and harshly punished draft dodgers. Women also had little legal rights, and no effort to educate women were included.EqualityNo access to education if you were poor, Careers were only open to talent, and there was a sense of patriarchy which deeply effected women - 'Women should stick to knitting'. 1/3 of Lycees built were reserved for army officers. Taxation was also unequal, although not as bad as monarchy times.FraternityWitnessed no social reform to improve conditions of the poor,Marital Laws were still terrible, and it was impossible for a woman to get a divorce. The Urban lower class were kept in contempt and no attempt to improve conditions for those suffering abuse and injustice were made.Preserved the French RevolutionLibertyNapoleon offered the Catholic faith as well as other faiths to thrive. he tried to unite the great Schism. Men were also given the vote, and an Indirect electoral system was finally granted. It made things more equal.EqualityThe court system was now equal, nobility were treated equally with other classes.FraternityNapoleon helped the economy greatly - especially the Bank of France. He helped control the money supply, and banned children in mines. He centralized the tax system and police.