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Q: What are all the curse words ever?
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Why do you have curse words?

To give out all your anger

What are all the curse words in the Bible?

There are no curse words in the Bible. There are a few words that MIGHT be considered curse words now, but were not considered curse words at the time the Bible was written. There are instances of the word ass (e.g. Exodus 20:17) but it is refering to the donkey on which Christ was riding.

What are all the curse words in the worlds?

cant say them bad words

Does the song 'Living Dead Girl' by Rob Zombie have any curse words in it?

Not that I have ever heard :)

Does hotline bling have curse words?

No it does not have curse words

Are there curse words in movie Mamma Mia?

no there are no curse words except crap

Why is Elvis Presley so famous if all he did was sing covers?

It was his interpretation. Every song he sang, he improved.

What can be considered a bad word?

Cuss words or curse words are considered to be bad words. Curse words vary from culture to culture and are also referred to as bad words. In most societies the use of curse words is frowned upon.

Does the Halo book 'Fall of reach' have a lot of curse words?

I read the book about two months ago, and there are few, if no curse words. If there are they aren't very explicit at all. The book is a great read, especially for Hal fans! Hope it helped.

Does a 2 year old baby say curse words?

you think they don't say curse words but they do my baby does so they might say curse words watch out ok

How come people curse?

Beacause curse words are in the bibile