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Jews believe the sacred objects of their faith, Judaism, include:

  1. The Torah Scroll hand written on specially prepared parchment making it a replicate of the one Moses wrote by G-d diction is the most sacred object for Jews.
  2. All Jewish books are sacred - including prayer books, bibles and books discussion Jewish law.
  3. Anything belonging to a synagogue - including the building, furniture and ornaments are sacred.
  4. Tefilin (phylacteries) are sacred. These are small leather boxes with a band to tie it to the arm and head. Each contains a scripture.
  5. A Mezuza is sacred. It is a small container attached to the door post. It holds a scripture in it.
  6. Anything used to fulfill a mitzva needs to be treated with respect. There are 613 mitzva categories This would include Tzitzit, Lulav, Sukkah, Matza, Shofar, Talit, Kipah, Menora and other items. A mitzva is basically a good deed.
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