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Q: What are soda and Steve doing while waiting for the other greasers to show up?
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Why do ponyboy and the greasers feel differenr from others?

Because they are more emotional than the others. They get upset easier and don't really enjoy doing the things that the other greasers do.

What are the drawbacks of doing business in other countries?

No waiting in lines

How do Ponyboy and his brother differ from the other Greasers?

because the greasers are oily

How are the greasers and the socs different emotionally?

The greasers care about each other

Who is the other gang that helps the Greasers out?

The Socs.

What is the other name of the other greeser gang in the book the outsiders?

Greasers and the Socs

What was the other gang name besides the greasers in the movie the outsiders?

The socs

How did the other greasers when they found ponyboy?

Surprised, worried,& happy he was ok

Who does Ponyboy like the least of all the greasers?

Unlike the other Greasers, he did not lovefighting.

In what way does Darry look different from the other greasers?

He wears his hair short. Everyone else wears it long and slicked back with grease.

How were ponyboy and his brother different from other hoods or greasers?

They only fight when they have to. They don't go around jumping people like the other Greasers do. They also care more about friendship and family. And they have a better understanding of loyalty.

Where do the greasers go after the rumble in the outsiders?

Dally and Ponyboy ran to the car and drove off to the hospital to see Johnny before he dies. The other greasers were all in Ponyboy's house.