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Q: What are some contributions of Sir Francis Drake?
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Sir Francis Drake was associated with what historical event?

Sir Francis Drake was associated with the crushing of the mighty Spanish Armada.

What was Sir Francis Drake's culture?


How did Sir Francis Drake earn his name?

His parents gave Francis Drake his name; he earned his knighthood.

What did Sir Francis Drake find?


Where has sir francis drake visited?


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What were some contributions Sir Francis Drake toward others' explorations?

He was a pirate, none.

Where did sir francis drake finnish on his journey?

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What was Sir Francis Drake's Full Name?

Sir Francis Reddy Karamchand Or do you mean Sir Francis Drake?

What is Sir Francis Drake's nationalty?

Sir Francis Drake was English.

What were Sir Francis Drake hobbies?

sir francis drake like to be out on sea

What did sir francis drake plan to find?

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How many sibling did sir francis drake have?

Francis Drake had 11 siblings.

Who were Sir Francis Drake parents?

Sir Francis Drake's parents were Edmond Drake and Mary Mylway

Were did sir francis drake travel to?

Sir Francis Drake traveled to... South America.

Did Sir Francis Drake crew get sick?

Yes! that is how Sir Francis Drake died!!

A time line of Sir Francis Drake?

www.timeline .com/Sir Francis Drake

What did Sir Francis Drake and his family do when he was a child?

Sir Francis Drake's father was a clergyman.