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Q: What are some examples of literary devices in movies?
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What are literary DEVICES how are they different from literary ELEMENTS and give some examples like character development?

i do not really know

Circle examples of the metaphors similes personification or any other literary devices that are found in the poem bed in summer?

Sure, here are some examples of literary devices in the poem "Bed in Summer": Personification: "the windows are fast and high" Metaphor: "the cricket’s cry" Simile: "And some are cool and some are cold" These are just a few examples; the poem is rich in various literary devices.

What are some literary devices in chapter 11 of the outsiders?


What are some literary devices in harrison Bergeron?

Symbolismdramatic ironyhyperbola

What is the difference between literary devices and literary appreciation?

Literary devices are any methods through which literature 'works'; be it metaphor, or some other grammatical form, or even certain themes (for example: jealousy, or the conflict in the middle east) or symbols. Literary appreciation the observing and cognitive reflection of literature and its literary devices.

What are some examples of literary?

A madeleine cookie.

What are some examples of IP devices?

Some examples of IP devices are internet modems and routers, EtherNet/IP drive devices, VoIP systems, and numerous electronic devices, such as an iPad.

What are some literary devices used in the novel Push by Sapphire?


What are some literary devices in the movie the family that preys?

irony, methaphor

What are some literary devices that are uesed in Obasan?

symbolism, imagery,conflict,flasback

What are some literary devices used in the crazy woman?

repetition personification imagery

Which literary devices does Shakespeare use in the sonnets?

Most of them, at some time or another.