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The term "genetic disease" refers to a disease that is inherited- or passed from one generation to the next.

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Q: What are some genetic diseases that are passed down from generation to generation?
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Have you ever heard anyone say that having blue eyes is a genetic disfunction passed down from generation to generation and is a chemical imbalance?

Having blue eyes is neither a genetic dysfunction nor a chemical imbalance. That is a new one. Genetic dysfunctions and chemical imbalances are not generally passed down from generation to generation. Whoever told you they were has never heard of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution.

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No, most birth defects aren't avoidable. They are genetic abnormalities that are normally passed down to younger generations. Some passed down genetic attributes skip a generation or two.

How are Hereditary diseases treated?

Hereditary diseases are passed down from one generation to the succeeding generation through genes. A lot of research and development has been done to treat it but there is no treatment for this condition.

What are ways you can have a genetic disorder?

You may have blood ancestors with a disorder that was passed down to you with genetics, such as diseases, or physical problems you were born with.

What are genic similarities?

If you mean genetic similarities then you're talking about the characteristics and traits passed down to each generation through DNA.

What can geneticists use probability for?

Probability theory can be used to estimate the risks of genetic traits being passed down to the next generation.

Is the correct thing passed down from generation to generation or past down from generation to generation?

it is past down from generation to generation

Why are folk speeches passed down from generation to generation?

That is a tautological situation. If these speeches were not passed down from generation to generation then they would not be folk speeches!

Why do people use pedigree charts?

People use pedigree charts to help track genetic diseases and traits passed down in their family tree.

Is cleft palate genetic?

Yes it is genetic, meaning it an be passed down.

What are the definitions of genetic and heredity?

Heredity explained is the features that have been genetically passed down or transmitted from the offsprings parents to the offspring. Heredity is the continuance of characteristic that have been passed down from one generation to another. The study of heredity is called genetics.