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Central America is a developing world and has high infant mortality rates. The US is a developed country with low infant mortality rates. The literacy level in Central America (as a whole) is very low compared to the United States. Although, Costa Rica has a high literacy rate. In general, Costa Rica is an expecption from other Central American countries because of the tourism.

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Q: What are some similarities and differences between US and Latin America?
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Mutual understanding between the United States and Latin America

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Latin America is loosely defined as those countries with languages derived from ancient Latin. Specifically, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Therefore, Latin America spans Mexico (North America), Central America, the Caribbean and South America.

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Differences in Latin America?

geez, I know some people are cussin and what not on here, stop it guys put some spirit and thought into this help others with their knowledge if you're not going to answer their question politely don't answer at all THE DIFFERENCES IN LATIN AMERICA There are many differences in latin America I'm only 8 years old and I live in North Carolina but anyways, as I was saying... latin America is very literate, they eat differently, and they talk slightly differently that's all I know, thanks!!!!!! This is someone else and this little 8 year old is the cutest little Justin Timberlake who is really really hot

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Language (with the exception of Brazil), religion (mostly catholic), family-oriented values in general, most resources being exploited by non Latin American companies.

Where in the US is Latin America?

Both are separate regions. The Americas are culturally divided between Anglo-America (the US, Canada) and Latin America (Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil) so Latin America cannot be 'in' the United States.

Roosevelt's policies in panama and elsewhere in latin America led to?

a good neighbor policy between the U.S. and its "little brothers" in latin america

Where did most new US immigrants come from in the 2000s?

Latin America

When did Mestizos first come to Latin America?

They never "came to Latin America": they were the result of interracial marriages between European settlers and Native Americans.

Can you compare the emergence of nation states in 19th century Latin America with 20th century Middle East?

Both 19th century Latin America and 20th century Middle East saw the rise of nation states following periods of colonial rule. Latin American countries gained independence from European powers in the 19th century, leading to the formation of sovereign nation states. In the 20th century, the Middle East experienced decolonization and the establishment of new nation states following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. Despite similar trajectories, the specific contexts and challenges in each region led to distinct outcomes in the formation of nation states.