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The Outsiders movie and The Outsiders book are both alike and different in many ways. The movie adaptation was made in 1983. The book was first published in the 1967. One way is that the book starts off with Ponyboy leaving the movie theaters, while the movie starts off with him walking through town with Johny and Dally. Another is that the book is in first person point of view. The movie isn't narrated, so it is not in first person point of view. Also, in the book, Sodapop and Dally are supposed to be blonde, but in the movie they are both brunettes. In the movie, the church wasn't on a hill. In the book, the church was on the top of a hill in Windrixville. Even though the book and movie are different, they are alike in many ways as well. The movie has all of Pony's gang members, Soda, Darry, Johny, Dally, Two-bit, Steve, and Pony, just like the book. Both Dally and Johny die in both the movie and the book.

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11y ago

Similarities between the book "the outsiders" and the movie is , well their names are the same (ponyboy,dally,darry,sodapop,two-bit,steve,bob.cherry,marcia,randy, johnny Ext.) And also johnny was killed by the burning church and the famous words he stated("Stay Gold PonyBoy, Stay Gold") were still the last and final words he spoken to ponyboy. also he was described in the book the "'puppy" or the smallest of the greasers , he also was the smallest in the movie. they described all the characters in the book as they looked in the movie. Dally was as crazy as he was decribed and Mean heartedas still strict toward ponyboy, johnny was a murderer and a hero because he killed bob, but saved ponyboy in the act, two bit was the joker of the group, and cherry was kind of like a spy for the greasers, and ext.

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