There are a lot of ben10 aliens and here are there names, in ben10: wildmutt, fourarms, greymatter, xlr8, upgrade, diamond head, ripjaws, stinkfly, ghostfreak, cannonbolt, heatblast, wildvine, upchuck, benmummy, benwolf, benvicktor, ditto, eyeguy, waybig and don't forget ben, gwen, grandpa max and the villans. In ben10 alien force : bigchill, swampfire, jetray, echo echo, goop, humungousaur, brainstorm, spidermonkey, chromastone, alien x, loadstar, ben, gwen, kevin, grandpa max and the villans.
yes there is
She is a girl that has come to get help from Ben because zombies (aliens) have taken her father. She is played by Alyssa Elaine Diaz.
Everythingproof for unlimited health,herotime for all upgrades and primus for all 10 aliens after Ben loses them
watch full ben10 episodes at <a href=""></a>
no. I'm sure of it . you can check it on the wikia (ben10.wikia......) only 5 out of 6 ultimates on the game
is a game that you can mix ben10 aliens up
yes there is
in nerd land
There aren't 10000 aliens.
Get a life, you nerd.
ben Gwen granpa teterax and the aliens
not yet
it is a show about a kid who can turn into ten different sourts of aliens but throughout the show he gers more aliens
witha a pencil,paper and turtuil if have
I do not think you can.
the strongest animal in the world are all the aliens in BEN10 watch