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· They both have to answer questions/hypothesises to help develop peoples' understanding

· They use similar equipment (e.g. magnifying glass)

· Science helps both detectives and scientists to do their jobs


· Detectives query about crime cases, whereas scientists query about scientific inquiries

· Detectives solve their cases in a police station environment, whereas scientists solve their inquiries in laboratories

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Q: What are the Similarities between descriptive and exploratory research?
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Qualitative research is exploratory research used to understand things. Quantitative research is essentially an investigation using statistical or mathematical methods to understand things.

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Pilot research is a preliminary part of a later study to find out if your research design works Explorative research is a stand alone study and has its own explorative purpose which can lead to other kinds of studies.

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Both research and consultancy involve gathering information, analyzing data, and providing informed recommendations. Both activities require critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate findings effectively to stakeholders. Additionally, research and consultancy often involve working with clients or stakeholders to address specific needs or challenges.

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Similarities between pure and applied research

What are the similarities between a problem statement and research questions?

they both use questions when a researcher attempts to answer when she/he undertaking a research.

What is the difference between descriptive and exploratory research?

Both of the these studies are non-experimental or "observational studies. In other words, you aren't manipulating any of the variables, you are simply "observing" them.In descriptive studies, the researcher attempts to "describe" a group of individuals to document characteristics. This may be by the use of questionnaires, interviews, or direct observations.Some examples include:Normative: establishing norms for specific variablesQualitative: collecting data thru interview and observationCase study: following one patient and observing how the actCase series: following several patients over time to see how they actConversely, exploratory studies "explore" relationships, but again not manipulating either of the variables.Some examples include:Case-control: Looking at individuals with a disease to see if they WERE exposed (begin research after diagnosis)Prospective cohort: Seeing if exposure WILL cause disease (begin research after exposure, but before diagnosis)Retrospective cohort: See if exposure DID cause disease (begin research after diagnosis)Reference:Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice (3rd ed.)Portney and Watkins

What are similarities and difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics describe the main features of a collection of data quantitatively. Descriptive statistics are distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics), in that descriptive statistics aim to summarize a data set quantitatively without employing a probabilistic formulation, rather than use the data to make inferences about the population that the data are thought to represent.

What is the difference between a descriptive and an explanatory statement?

A descriptive statement simply describes a situation or phenomenon, while an explanatory statement seeks to provide reasons or causes for why something is the way it is. Descriptive statements focus on providing details and observations, while explanatory statements aim to offer insight and understanding.

What is the difference between explanatory exploratory and discriptive research?

Exploratory research is non-experimental or "observational study. In other words, you aren't manipulating any of the variables, you are simply "observing" them. in such studies we studies "explore" relationships, without manipulating variables. The basic purpose of exploratory research is to provide information to assist in research to gain knowledge and to understand of the problems . Explanatory study is to obtain information about the link between the causes and results of the evidence.Explanatory research is research conducted in order to explain any behaviour in the market. It could be done through using questionnaires, group discussions, interviews, random sampling, etc.the primary goal is to understand the nature or mechanisms of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables."where the experimentor attempt to identify cause and effect"(Dr. Amjad Ali Arain)