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Depends on the area, for Iowa it is, 12 months jail time and $2,500 fine

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Q: What are the consequences of harbouring a runaway minor?
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Is there a law for harboring runaway child in Minnesota?

Yes, in Minnesota it is illegal to knowingly harbor a runaway child, as it is considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The individual who harbors the runaway child may face legal consequences for violating this law.

Is there a law against harboring a runaway in Idaho?

Yes, it is illegal to harbor a runaway in Idaho. Harboring a runaway is considered a misdemeanor offense under Idaho law, and individuals who knowingly hide or provide assistance to a runaway minor may face legal consequences.

In the state of Indiana if a runaway minor is 17 and 8 months and his or her parent files a report would the authorities actually look for said minor and what would be the consequences if found?

In Indiana, authorities typically do conduct a search for a runaway minor, regardless of their age. If found, consequences can vary but may include being returned to the parent or guardian, a brief stay in a juvenile facility, or involvement of child protective services depending on the circumstances of the case.

How do you use harbouring in a sentence?

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In the state of California what are the laws concerning minor children leaving home?

In California, a minor (under 18) who leaves home without parental consent may be considered a runaway. Parents can file a runaway report with law enforcement, who will try to locate the minor and return them home. Parents are legally responsible for their minor children and can face consequences if they fail to provide care and support.

Runaway or absentee minor report?

A runaway or absentee minor report is what a person files if a minor in their custody has run away or is missing. There are various reasons parents do not file a report a runaway that include not wanting to involve police involvement, they know where the minor is, or they do not think police involvement is needed.

Can you runaway at seventeen and not be filed as a runaway?

yes you can be because you are not 18 and 17 is still consider as a minor

What age is considered a runaway in Mississippi?

Anyone under the age of 18 is a runaway. They are a minor and not an adult.

Can the Police track down a runaway if the runaway goes to a clinic or the doctors and use there real name and ss info?

Is the "runaway" a minor? If so, medical personnel will not treat a minor without a parent/guardian knowledge or permission.

In Michigan how long does a minor have to be missing from home before they are considered a runaway?

In Michigan, a minor is considered a runaway if they leave home without permission and do not return for 24 hours. At that point, they are generally classified as a runaway and law enforcement can be notified.

What is aiding a runaway?

There are a great many consequences for aiding a runaway in California. You could go to prison and pay fines.

What do you do if your 17 yr old moves out and an adult is harbouring him?

If he's not allowed to legally where you live due to his age or if you have not given permission if needed, you report him as a runaway. It's illegal to harbor a runaway and then the police can go and get him. Or you tell the adult that what they are doing is illegal so maybe then they kick him out.