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The Earth is always tilted - this doesn't change. What changes is which part is on a perpendicular plane to the incident rays of solar energy. I believe you are asking about the equinoxes, when there is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night for one 24 hour period.

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Q: What are the days when earth is not tilted toward or away from the sun?
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Why do length of days change?

when the day is longer than night because the slow of the rotation

The two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun?


When the norh end of earth's axis is tilted toward th sun what will norh America experience?

If the north part of the earth's axis it tilted toward the sun, North America should have warm weather caused by longer days.

Why in winter days is it still cold in day?

the earth is tilted farther away from the sun.

Each of the two days of the year when neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun is called?

Autumnal equinox

What are the 2 days of the year when neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun is?

summer solstice and the winter solstice

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Each of the two days of the year when neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun?

summer solstice and the winter solstice

What season is it when your part of earth is tilted alway from the sun?

Tilted away, the nights would be longer and the days shorter. Such a time would be the winter season.

Which position does Antarctica tilt toward or away from the sun to have the shortest days?

Whichever hemisphere ... nothern or southern ... is tilted away from the sunhas the shorter days.Whichever pole ... north or south ... is tilted away from the sun is not seeingthe sun rise at all for several months.The south pole is on the continent of Antarctica.

Why is the amount of daylight longer in the summer and shorter in the winter?

The answer is slightly more complicated than this, but in general the tilt of the earth's axis, causes the northern hemisphere (United States) to point at the sun. So if you imagine standing on the north pole you would feel the suns rays hitting you because you are tilted toward the sun. On the contrary in the winter the Northern Hemisphere is now in a location due to having orbited around the sun, that it is tilted away from the sun. So now the suns rays don't hit the northern part of the earth due to it being at such an extreme angle pointed away from the sun. I'm sure you can search the internet and find a visual of this concept.

How does the length of daytime and night time affects the seasons?

The length of daylight or nighttime hours does not affect the seasons, but the seasons affect the length of daytime and nighttime hours. During the summer, the earth is tilted more toward the sun, resulting in longer daytime hours. During the winter months, the earth is tilted away from the sun, resulting in shorter days and longer nights.