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I live in a city in the Chihuahuan Desert and people can work at almost any occupation - doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, carpenter, truck driver, shop owner, mechanic, clergy, secretary, fast food worker, hotel worker, etc. The list is endless.

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People may work as a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, a merchant, a construction worker, a store clerk, a cook or any of the hundreds of occupations found elsewhere in the world.

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Q: What are the jobs called the people have in the Chihuahuan Desert?
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What type of jobs are in the Chihuahuan Desert?

People in the Chihuahuan Desert work at the same types of jobs found in any area. A few examples: Doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, construction workers, electricians, food workers, mining, truck drivers and so on.

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People living in any almost any desert wok at much the same jobs as people not living in a desert.

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People that study the desert, maybe others that study the wild life out there. I'm not to sure about any other jobs.

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What are desert jobs?

Millions of people live in cities and towns in deserts around the world and they have a variety of occupations, much the same as cities not located in deserts.

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How do people living in the desert live?

Millions of people around the world live in cities and towns of deserts. Look at cities such as Las Vegas, Nevada, as just one example. I have lived over 40 years in a city in the Chihuahuan Desert and people live pretty much the same as folks in non desert regions. We have homes with electricity, plumbing and running water. I need only travel a half mile to a Wal*Mart Supercenter where I can buy all the food I need. We have jobs or we attend school. Life in the desert is not as severe as people are led to believe. In fact, during winter when so many areas are suffering with snow and bitter cold, we consider ourselves lucky to live in the desert.

What jobs do people in the desert do?

People in the desert may work at any job found outside the desert. They may be doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, police, clergy, shop owners, grocers, fast food workers, mechanics, farmers, ranchers, etc.

What jobs do people that live in the desert have?

People who live in deserts may be doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, merchants, laborers, engineers, cooks, chefs or any number of occupations found in other non desert regions.

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People living in desert regions perform many of the same jobs as people living elsewhere. They may be teachers, lawyers, doctors, taxi drivers, farmers, store owners, engineers, clergy or any other occupation.