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Code Geass Characters: Lelouch Lamperouge, Suzaku Kururugi, Shirley, Nina, Nunnally, C2...

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Q: What are the names of all the characters in code geass?
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Related questions

What are all of the areas in code geass?

Code Geass originated as an animated series on Japanese television. There are several areas the Code Geass brand has ventures. Examples, video games, books, and radio shows.

Where can you find all 25 code geass r2 in English?

Did Nanally and Euphie die in Code Geass?

Euphimia is murdered by Lelouch in episode 22 of Code Geass' first season, called "Bloodstained Euphy." Lelouch accidentally uses his runaway Geass on her to make her want to kill all the Japanese. She dies later in a hospital bed talking to Suzaku Kururugi.Nunnally survives all twenty-five episodes of Code Geass and all twenty-five episodes of Code Geass R2. After Lelouch takes over the world and becomes its Emperor, he makes Suzaku kill him so that the world's hatred can be erased. Nunnally becomes the 100th Empress of the Holy Britannian Empire.

What if zero from code geass and kira from Death Note worked together?

Massive death, no evil or lazy people at all. Lelouch will pull info faces & names on people Light couldn't find. Anyone who's face & name can't be find Lelouch would use geass on them.

When is code geass r3 coming to America?

never because it's not planned to come out at all

When does Code Geass R2 Episode 16 English dub come out?

I think it already aired on Adult Swim. Every Saturday, right after Bleach, around 1:00, 1:30, 2:00 o'clock at night is when Code Geass, all new episode/s (Sometimes it'll be two episodes instead of one) air.

Movies with characters who have color names?

Reservoir Dogs (1992) - The characters were all given "code names" by the crime boss to hide their identities from each other. Mr. Black, Mr. White, etc.

An anime similar to Death Note?

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion , Monster , Jigoku Shoujo and Spiral ; they all have similar themes .

Is there a code to unlock all characters in Lego battles?

yes there is a code if you enter xbwtl it will unlock all the characters for you.

What are the real names of the Fonejacker characters?

Kayvan Novak plays all of the characters

What tv channel is code geass on?

It used to be on adult swim but i don't know if it still is. if it's not i have a site where you can watch all the episodes English dubbed. here's the link. it has all 50 episodes and a live chat where you can meet people who love to talk about the show

What code unlocks all characters?