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Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, are the four seasons. All parts of the world have the same four seasons. When it's winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, due to the tilting of the earth.

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Q: What are the names of the four seasons in the temperate zone?
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Related questions

How many seasons does the temperate zone have?

The temperate zone have four seasons.

How do you call countries with four seasons?

Countries with four seasons are ka temperate countries, because of their location in the temperate zone.

What are the seasons in temperature zone?

Temperate Zone. The Temperate Zone (30 degrees to 60 degrees) has westerly winds.

How do you call a country with seasons?

A country that experiences all four seasons is considered a temperate zone. While the United States does have regions that are temperate, there are also regions that are not.

Is Ottawa in torrid temperate or frigid zone?

It is a temperate zone which means that the sun is not directly overhead, and we experience the four seasons with temperatures that range from cold to warm.

What is the four seasons the temperate zone?

spring summer fall and winter dug you should know that people

The area of the Earth in which all four seasons are distinctively different is the?

Temperate Zone, and some regions of the Arctic.

Which climate zone is it most common to see four different season?

temperate zone?

What is the climate zone of Michigan?

Detroit has all four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Temperature can range from approximately 0 - 90 F.

What do the words spring and autumn denote?

Spring is one of the four seasons in the Temperate Zone. It is March, April, and May. Nature awakens and flowers bloom. Autumn (in the USA Fall) is one of the four seasons in the Temperate Zone. It is September, October, and November. Summer is over, leaves fall, nature is bownish yellow. It often rains. Our mood is usually worse than in spring.

India lies in which temperate zone?

Temperate zone & Torrid zone

What are the names of the temperature zones?

There are various temperature zones on Earth. Some of these include tropical zone, polar zone, mountain zone, temperate zone, as well as desert zone.