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they grow farmes and fish

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Q: What are the people of southern sweden called?
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The people of Southern Sweden are called?


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Geats.Götar in Swedish.

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Is it warmer in southern Sweden or northern Sweden?

It is warmer In Southern Sweden than it is in Northern Sweden

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Where is is Beowulf from?

Beowulf was from Geatland, which is in southern Sweden.

People who live in Sweden are called?

They are called Swedes.

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They ferried the Jews to southern Sweden, where they were safe.

What are people that live in Sweden called?


What are the people who live in Sweden called?


What are the people of Sweden called?

In english, Swedish. How is this a religious question? I'm not sure if Swedes is correct. But many people I know call them that.

What is more southern iceland or Sweden?

Sweden is more south.