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It needs to have been under these conditions; thermal energy, pressure, or chemical activity. It can have more that one way of those.

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Q: What are the requirements for a material to be called a metamorphic rock?
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The recrystallization of unmelted material under high temperature and pressure results in?

the recrystallization of unmelted material under high pressure results in Metamorphic Rock

What type of rock can be made from metamorphic rock?

Only sedimentary rock by the weathering, erosion and subsequent deposition of material from the metamorphic rock.

What is the rock called that existed before it is changed into a metamorphic rock?

The rock that existed before it is changed into a metamorphic rock is called a protolith.

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What is the main processes when metamorphic rock turns into igneous rock?

The main process would be the melting and re-solidification of the material present in the metamorphic rock.

What is the name of the original rock metamorphic rock?

The original rock to a metamorphic rock is called the protolith.

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Which type of rock is marble made of?

Marble is a metamorphic rock type form. Marble is used as a building material and as sculpture material also.

What is a white metamorphic rock called?

a Black Rock

How does igneous rock sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock different?

Igneous rock is formed by magma cooling and becoming solid. Metamorphic rock is the end result of a process called metamorphism (which means "change in form"). Sedimentary rock is formed by sedimentation of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water.

What is the term when rocks are formed when older rocks are heated or squeezed?

If it is squeezed and heated sufficiently to realign the minerals or form new minerals, it is called a metamorphic rock. If it is squeezed and heated enough to melt, then solidify, it would be called an igneous rock.

What is in a metamorphic rock?

material that is under extreme heat and pressure and molds together to become a rock