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some seasons in a grasslands are a hot season and a wet season

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Q: What are the seasons in a grassland?
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Which biomes has the most varied seasons?

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In grassland regions rainy seasons and drought seasons determine in part the?

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What 4 seasons do grasslands have?

There is four seasons in the grassland, which is winter, summer, spring, autumn, (not in order)

What are the seasons in the grssland?

There are not really seasons in some biomes, but the grassland is usually warmer all year, but in "winter" it gets cooler but doesn't usually snows.

What is warm year round with wet and dry seasons tall deciduous trees tigers and termites?

grassland temperate

What seasons does the grass land have?

The Temperate Grassland has two seasons, the growing season and the dormant season. The Growing Season is the season where the plants grow. The Dormant Season is when all the plants are hibernating like in the winter.

What is the difference between a temperate forest and a grassland?

they both have 4 seasons and are found on North and south America, Europe, Asia, and Australia

What biome has all four seasons?

The deciduous forest has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the autumn the leaves change color. During the winter months the trees lose their leaves.

Where is savannah grassland located?

A Savannah has trees, where as grassland does not.

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Is temperate grassland the same as grassland?

the temperate grassland falls under the category grassland along with the savanna biome. usually when they say grassland, they DO mean temperate grassland.