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Q: What are the signs that Johnny is pleased to see Two-Bit and Ponyboy?
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What foreshadowing was used in the outsiers chapter 4-6?

In chapters 4-6 of "The Outsiders," foreshadowing is seen in Ponyboy's dream about Johnny's fate and the repeated warning signs of the escalating tensions between the Socs and the Greasers, which hint at the upcoming conflict. The introduction of the character Cherry Valance also foreshadows the potential for both unity and further division between the groups.

Is Johnny Depp autistic?

No, Johnny Depp is not autistic, or at least he has not publically identified himself as autistic. He doesn't show any obvious signs of being autistic either.

What kind of compression sleeve did Johnny Manziel wear when he was doing his infamous money signs?

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How does johnny and Henry show signs of having dominating personalities From The Lord of the flies?

Johnny and Henry show signs of dominating personalities in "Lord of the Flies" by exhibiting possessive behavior toward their territory on the beach and asserting control over the fire. They also display a tendency to intimidate the other boys through their actions and demeanor, showcasing a desire for power and influence within the group.

Johnny Depp gay?

A persons sexual orientation or preferences is not a matter for public comment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny Depp has not publicly stated his sexual orientation. It is however on public record that he has been married more than once and has two children.

What are corrugated signs used for?

Corrugated signs are colored sign typically used for yard signs, elections signs, and parking signs. They can also be used for business signs or even curb signs.

Different types of road signs with their picture and meaning?

# regulatory signs # warning signs # route markers # destination signs # roadside service signs # recreational area signs # international signs

What are the signs?

what are the signs

What is the Greek word for signs?

signs(zodiac signs) = ΖΩΔΙΑ (zodia)signs = ΣΗΜΑΔΙΑsigns = ΠΙΝΑΚΙΔΕΣ

What are some lawn signs on the market for lawns?

There are many different types of lawn signs available for different occasions. Examples include political signs, birthday signs, real estate signs, business signs, election signs, contractor signs, etc.

What is a sentence with the word signs?

What are the signs of apocalypse? He gave me weird Signs.

How different are menstrial signs and preg signs?

the signs are not very different, however when your pregnant the signs are worse.