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Q: What are the similarities between boycotts and strikes?
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What are three types of protest?

Sitin, petitions, boycotts.

What were the AFL's methods of achieving its goals?

Mainly through strikes and boycotts.

Who used boycotts and strikes in his fight to win independence for Ghana?

Kwame Nkrumah

What are some examples of civil disobedience led Mohandas Gandhi?

boycotts, strikes &demonstrations

What was the knights of labor's methods of achieving its goals?

They had many strikes, campaigns, boycotts, and arbitration to get their messages across.

Leader of independence movement in Ghana who was jailed for organizing strikes and boycotts against British rule?

Kwame Nkrumah

What legalized strikes and peaceful picketing?

Clayton Antitrust Act: law that made illegal certain monopolistic business practices; it also legalized strikes, boycotts, and peaceful picketing

Protestants did what?

Gandhi protested in a non- violent way against british colonization by using salt marches, hunger strikes, and boycotts.

What effects did colonial boycotts have on trade between the colonists and England?

colonial boycotts hated the colonists and England traded

How did Cesar chavez sacrifice?

he sacrificed his time with family by organizing boycotts and strikes also sacrificed his life by getting spryed with chemicals in the farm

What are three methods used by labor unions?

One method is Strikes Another is Collective Bargaining

What imported goods led to conflict between the north and south?
